
Old Testament Theology, Volumes I & II is unavailable, but you can change that!

Horst Preuss begins a comprehensive, two volume analysis of the theology of the Old Testament with this edition. He focuses on a detailed assessment of Israel’s responses to God’s acts of election and covenant with them as a people. This highly applicable study provides a theological lens through which to properly understand many of the books of the Old Testament and their relation to the whole. ...

formula came to find each other and “what the relationship of Yahweh and Israel actually includes.”118 This question forms the basis for the work of W. H. Schmidt119 who looks to the first commandment as both the center of the Old Testament and the introductory guide for its theology. This proposal includes the affirmation of YHWH as a God who acts in history (see the preamble of the first commandment) and a God who requires obedience from his people. Indeed, this proposal comes very close to the
Volume 1, Page 23